We all have the capacity to regulate our emotions.
With normal regulation, the emotional pain of traumatic experiences, whether due to a serious car accident or to a difficult breakup of a relationship, slowly and progressively subsides. Although the following weeks and months are challenging, one day we find ourselves living life again in a carefree way and loving again with great happiness, no matter how impossible this may seem at first. Yet sometimes this regulation does not happen. The mechanism seems stuck or blocked, and our distress just seems to worsen with time.
These blocks are, in fact, at the origin of our recurrent emotional distress, which seeps into our everyday life at the slightest opportunity: fears, anxiety, phobias, stress, irritation, inhibitions…
This book shows how our natural ability to sensorily relive the origin of our emotional blocks enables us to regulate them definitively.
Luc Nicon, expert in pedagogy and behavioral communication, is the author of the book “Comprendre ses emotions” (Understanding our emotions) (2003) and Tipi (2007). His researches on emotional mechanisms led him to create and develop Tipi, a technique to relive through sensations the origin of unconscious fears. This technique is implemented worldwide by doctors, therapists, coaches.
Today, with this book, he offers us the opportunity to use his main discovery by ourselves, in complete autonomy.
NOTE : This book is available in Spanish on editor’s website : Icaria